True Representative

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for my five senses and how they allow me to experience a variety of emotions and make memories.

Consider these words:

"Be a true representative of the goodness in your heart, 
and don't expect it to be easy or even noticed."  

Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher. I was not familiar with him, but as I checked out his website, I was intrigued and will look and listen further. (

News flash folks! Many of the best things in life are not easy, at least some of the time. That is how they earn their value--our struggles, our impatience, our hard lessons--often lead to the best connections with ourselves and others.

And another news flash...Most other people are so busy living their own lives that they don't always notice what we are up to. They likely care, but likely won't acknowledge as often as we wish. We do the same to them.

Yet one of the many benefits of living gratefully that I have found is that I do notice more. In my own life and in the lives of others. It means more kindness and respect shown. It means less damage done. And that is significant.

At day's end, the person we go to bed with is ourselves. Our minds, hearts, and souls. We are the ones who most need to notice and acknowledge ourselves, our emotions, our love, our losses.

If I keep my expectations reasonable and I honor Great Spirit's guidance, I can be that true representative of the goodness I carry and can share. It may not be easy, it may not get noticed, but it still brings grace and gratefulness.
