Walking the Halls

Today I am grateful for laughter shared, perspective gained, friends connecting, family making time for one another.

I am also grateful for the many steps I take in a day, often taking them for granted. I noticed them more this week as I recover from my latest marathon.

In my job as a school counselor,  I walk the halls of our building several times a day . . . to greet and welcome, to assure and question, to assist and hold accountable, to act as a deterrent. I consider it an important part of my job, and the steps don't hurt me either. (Well, they may hurt a little when I am sore, but they still help.)

Darcy and I finished our day yesterday by walking the halls of our son Sam’s high school. It was Open House night. Our last one. Mixed emotions. Some teachers are familiar to us, others we had never met. It was a nice way to see what Sam's days are like. We also see other parents, friendly and familiar, showing up in the same classes and in the stands at football games.

Two school communities in which I am blessed to be a member. 

Walking the halls. Gaining steps, but more importantly gaining perspective. 
