Stormy Weather

Today I am grateful for the safety of Darcy’s family and for the secure roof over my own family’s heads this morning.

Thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted by the tornadoes overnight in Sioux Falls, SD. Darcy’s Mom and his sister and her family are all safe. We haven’t heard about serious injuries to others, and that is such a blessing too. There is widespread and significant property damage and power outages though.

To be awakened in the middle of the night with such news is unsettling. To have the same storm system move through here a few hours later is unsettling.

We just ran the streets and trails of Sioux Falls on Sunday. We lived and worked there, and still visit regularly. As daylight comes, the pictures will be even more telling. It saddens me.

How quickly things can change. In an instant, the day you had planned can become something else entirely.

Consider how many people that happened to as they woke up on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Stormy weather. Unsettling times. They bring out the worst, but also the best, of humanity.

How can I contribute the best of my own humanity today?
