Once Upon a Time: 1100 Posts Later

Today I am grateful for a pleasant school shopping experience with my son and husband yesterday. I am also grateful for a good training run in spite of high heat and humidity.

Today's post, when I hit the publish button, will be post #1100 for "Habitual Gratitude."  I am a milestone marker and with each previous set of 100 posts I have dedicated a post to what I have learned and gained.

As I look back, once upon a time, I see the rookie blogger I was in March of 2012 when I started my blog. I still feel like a rookie blogger in many respects. I haven't come close to maximizing the various functions and options available. My readers and pageviews haven't gone up exponentially.

When I ponder the effectiveness of my blog and how many people I have reached or not, a quiet voice inside of me says to keep going, to keep doing what I am doing. I don't doubt that I have reached others, but I know with absolute certainty that I have reached my own heart, soul, and mind in new ways.

I was not a novice to gratitude practice when I started blogging. I had been honing that practice for over 15 years by then. I was coming to know and understand mindfulness in ways I never had before.

Blogging habitually about gratitude has not made me a pro yet either. It never will. Progress not perfection. There is never an endpoint with development of a grateful mindset and the peace that can accompany it.

Somewhere between rookie and pro, I continue.  My level of gratefulness and mindful presence are more fully developed. My practice of gratitude flows a little more readily and easily.

I am more fully developed as a person of faith, hope and love. Energy keeps flowing. Life keeps coming. I keep living it more completely than I ever could have imagined possible as an active alcoholic in my early twenties.

Somewhere between rookie and pro, I continue.


  1. Every post matters Lisa. When you least expect it you get a message out of the blue from someone about what you wrote. The responses are because of your fingerprints of gratitude, which are part of everything you touch... whether something happens or not.

    Thank you for your progress.

    1. Thank you Steve. Your thoughtful words matter :-) Fingerprints of gratitude...there's more to be learned and touched. Onward!


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