Flowing Pen

Today I am grateful for the energy of middle school students and for the support I have for my recovery.

I have been a writer for the better part of four decades. Putting pen to paper, creating a flow between heart and mind. I do more of my composing on the computer and on my phone than I used to. 

I realized the other day, as I was putting pen to paper in my journal, that I need that "old-fashioned" form of writing. Writing seems to lose a little of it's positive power for me when I go too long without holding a pen in my hand.

From my heart and soul, through my pen, flow genuine thoughts and feelings.

I will try to honor what works for me. I hope you do the same.

Pen in hand. Gratitude in my heart. 


  1. Hi Lisa, I first saw you at HUMC women's group when you spoke there earlier this month. After that night I said your presentation was life changing for me..today I picked up the resources you gave us and actually did put some things in writing and went to your blog for the 1st time. I have been verbalizing and reciting in my mind up til today what a am grateful for, actually telling people and writing more thank you notes...my husband is starting also. I don't want to forget about this amazing way of life to over come, dissolve, lessen the affects of self pity, jealousy, anxiety and fear to name just a few. Thank you for coming to our church . I am so grateful for you!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Diane! And thank you for giving these gratitude practices a try. They are indeed life-changing and I know they work because, as you said, the negatives dissolve more easily, and the positives are easier to see. Onward we go! Gratitude shared is gratitude multiplied.


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