Post #500: Antidote Multiplication

Today I am grateful for the ongoing lessons gratitude teaches me. I am also grateful for the consistent outlet for my writing energy that this blog provides.

What began on March 27, 2012 is now at post #500. That both boggles my mind and makes me proud. I began gratitude practice nearly twenty years ago as an antidote to
self-pity. I have found it to be most effective. And I have also found that the supply of this antidote never runs out.

In fact, applying the antidote naturally creates more of the antidote to keep applying. It is antidote multiplication of the best kind. It's a win-win. Gratitude doesn't take anything away from one person to allow another person benefit. Gratitude shared is gratitude multiplied. Gratitude simply recognizes the obvious and reminds us of it.

I am humbled by the role of gratitude in my life. Grace has been defined to me as "the presence of God/a Higher Power in my life." By that definition, gratitude is grace. I am still going strong with this blog. I haven't come close to running out of ideas and inspiration. Further proof that the antidote keeps multiplying. My perception of self and surrounding world is consistently more positive when I maintain a grateful approach to each day. That is the best proof I have that this works.

To read more of my thoughts as I marked other century points in my blog posts,
read here.

Thank you for reading, commenting, emailing, checking in. Thank you for giving me reasons to keep adding blog posts on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing in this antidote multiplication.
