Back in Time

Today I am grateful for the physical capability to run and the mental and spiritual rewards I get from it.

Tonight Darcy and I will be attending my 30th class reunion. I appreciate that we are able to make it and I appreciate that my friend and classmate Tracy pulled this together before the opportunity faded away. I marvel at how fast the last thirty years have gone. I marvel at life in general.

I don't know how many people will be there, but I know that I will see some people I haven't seen in years and I will see old friends that I still keep in touch with. I will observe and I will participate, and as always I will reflect like I do before, during, and after such events.

Do I want to look good? Sure. Will all that running help me look good in my jeans? Let's hope. But I am not overly concerned about it. I quit drinking 24 years ago and smoking about 18 years ago. I have aged well in those respects. But more importantly I already know I feel better about myself than I did in high school and that is a blessing.

I am thinking back to those days and I'm sure there will be some reminiscing and plenty of laughter. I am also thinking about my six classmates who have passed away. Car accidents, an enlarged heart, cancer and a heart attack ended lives way too early. Life is precious. Events like class reunions are good reminders of our good fortune. We are still here, living life.

I will be taking a blog break tomorrow. Have a nice weekend!
