Keep Those Letters Coming

Today I am grateful for pizza. It is one of my favorite foods. I am also grateful for the simple act of letter-writing.

Last night I wrote two letters. I was inspired and energized to write them, so I did. One of them was a gratitude letter. It was my 26th such letter, and the first one I've written since early June. I will look for more opportunities to get such letters out. I would encourage any of you to give it a try. Who is someone who has made a positive difference in your life? Who is someone you would like to thank?Write a letter in your own hand and mail it off the old-fashioned way. Besides, you would be helping me keep the lost art of letter-writing alive and I would appreciate that.

The second letter was to a friend. We've sent some letters back and forth over the last couple years and it had been months since I reached out to her. I had been thinking of her and how she is doing, so now she will know that when the letter arrives.

I wrote a third letter when I got up this morning. It was to a family member who is currently facing a challenge of the kind that I can relate to. I hope my words can offer some hope, but I know they have already helped me.

Putting pen to paper always helps me. I am grateful to have people in my life to thank and to receive my letters.
