Getting Out of Self

Today I am grateful for my job and I am grateful for a car with working heat.

I have changed my profile picture again to highlight my sister Danita's creativity and to continue with the color purple for Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Month. Read more about that here.

Yesterday was a day with a range of emotions for me. Nothing big happened or didn't happen. I suspect fluctuating hormones were a factor, as well as some level of tiredness. Anyway, I was a bit cranky and frustrated at one point--a.k.a. feeling sorry for myself. I rested for a short time and that was a reprieve, but not enough to quell the "poor mes." 

I proceeded to make an appetizer for a potluck for a retiree at my school. I cleaned up some squash and put it in the oven for my family's dinner. I texted a recovery friend to see about getting together. I went for a run, taking Oliver for a mile or so, then doing another three miles on my own.

As I ran, I started thinking about how important it is for me to get out of myself when I get stuck in the self-pity. All the things in the previous paragraph helped me do just that--get out of my own head.Even the running. I was doing it for myself, but it got me out of self. It helped clear my head of the troublesome, and mostly unproductive, thoughts I was having. It connected me with nature and the other people and pets I saw on my route.

I returned to a place of gratitude. To be healthy, running, have a family, a home, a job . . . those all matter more than what I was ruminating about. Gratitude requires moving beyond our own self. To thank others, or circumstances, or a higher being for giving us nature's beauty. And so much more.

Then I received a gift via this blog. A comment from a reader who had been inspired to take action after reading a recent post of mine. I will keep reaching out and sharing my passion for and belief in gratitude practice.

It works. It really does.
