Making a Comeback and Soaring

Today I am grateful for job changes and challenges that stretch me and bring new learning. I am also grateful for the sound of laughter from my husband and son.

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to witness a stunning view of eagles soaring over the Mississippi River just hundreds of yards from me. I was by myself and it was a beautiful blue-sky day. First I saw two eagles, then four. Two of the four quickly went to perch in trees across the river from me. The other two continued to put on a show for a couple more minutes. They are grand creatures and to watch them fly and soar so gracefully was a gift in itself.

I am very grateful that right actions were taken to save the eagles. They have made a comeback and now seeing them in my river town is not all that unusual. (Though seeing four at a time is.)

The eagles needed intervention and help from humans to repair the damage done and the wrong actions that were killing them and making them endangered. Human action first hindered, then helped the eagles.

How often is it like that in our lives? We hurt others and ourselves with wrong actions and then, if we are lucky, we get an opportunity to take the right actions and make things better. We get a chance at a comeback.

I am grateful for comebacks.
