R.I.P. Lt. Col. Mark Weber

Today I am grateful for an early morning bike ride with Darcy and a nice walk and conversation with my friend Jenny.

The ending I wanted to share from Anna Quindlen's book will have to wait until tomorrow. Today is about another ending. The end of the life of Lt. Col. Mark Weber. He died of cancer yesterday afternoon, at age 41. May he rest in peace. The pain and suffering he endured over the last three years is over.

I met Mark in January at a book signing for his book "Tell My Sons." I blogged about him and the book back in March. You can read those posts by clicking on the links below:

Suggested Reading: Tell My Sons

Squeeze Some Joy Out

Embrace Your Bufords

Thank you Mark Weber for so much wisdom, grace, and inspiration. In your honor, I will try to squeeze some joy out of today and I will continue to embrace my Bufords with courage.

The post on Mark's Caring Bridge site just hours after he passed away can be found here:


It will put things in perspective real quick. Take that into your day.

My thoughts and prayers are with Mark's family and friends as they grieve his death.
