Live and Learn

Today I am grateful for two exciting wins for Sam's baseball team yesterday, and I am grateful that our computer is back up and running. Live and learn.

Live and learn. That's the point isn't it?  Live life fully. Learn along the way, including the tough lessons that come from mistakes or unexpected twists and turns.

Live and learn. Gratitude paves the way for both. In recent days these two quotes were in my gratitude journal:

"Gratitude is like a warm blanket, it wards off the icy chill of discontent."  (C. Beaulieu)

"How happy a person is depends upon the depth of his gratitude."  (John Miller)

I appreciate both quotes, and I see the truth in them. I live the truth in them. At Sam's first game yesterday morning, it was sunny, a bit cool, but pretty comfortable. By his afternoon game, there was a rain delay, a cold wind, and falling temperatures. Welcome to June in Minnesota, right? But we went with it. We didn't bring enough layers, but we did what we could. It wasn't the most pleasant, but it wasn't totally unpleasant, in part because I didn't feed it with complaining and negativity. And I sure appreciated the warm car when the game was over.

The second quote echoes the sentiment in the Brother David Steindl-Rast quote you will see at the top of my blog main page. The deeper the gratitude, the happier the soul. I have learned that through the practice of regular gratitude for 18 years. Now, I just try to live it the best I can each day.

If you are trying to practice more gratitude in your life, here are some ideas:
*keep a gratitude journal (each day I put 2 things I am grateful for in writing)
*do an A-Z gratitude list while commuting or exercising
(1 or 2 things for each letter of the alphabet)
*write gratitude letters in your own hand and send them via snail mail if you can
*take a gratitude walk or run, tuning in to all the things you see that can bring gratitude
*start a gratitude vessel in your home (family members write things they are grateful for on a little slip of paper and put it in the jar or whatever you want to use)

You may have some of your own ideas. I would love to hear them. That's where I picked up many of the above. The key is simply to take action. Action leads to results.
