An Underlying Paradox

Today I am grateful for the connections I have in my life with family and friends. I am also grateful that it's Friday and we have a holiday weekend ahead.

I want to wrap up the week and my references to the work of Robert Emmons with these words from his book Thanks!

"There is an underlying paradox about gratitude: whereas the evidence is clear that cultivating gratitude, in both our lives and in our attitude toward life, makes us sustainably happier and healthier people, it is still difficult to practice gratitude on a daily basis. Some days it comes naturally; other days, it feels as if we're taking our medicine, doing something that's good for us but that we don't really like. On difficult days, it can be like stepping onto the treadmill when you just want to sink into the couch and turn on the television." (p. 185)

This is one of the reasons I chose to call this blog "Habitual Gratitude."  Healthy habits take work to instill and maintain. Certainly, there are days I just "act as if" I am grateful. But most days, I find that practicing gratitude is like getting my physical exercise. They both help clear my head and give me more energy. Once I get started, whether it's a three-mile run or a new blog post, I always feel better when I'm done.

There is an endless supply of gratitude I can keep tapping into. I love that. I won't have less gratitude to share tomorrow if I share a lot today. I will have even more tomorrow.
Tomorrow and Sunday, I won't be posting, but I look forward to being back with you Monday.

Today I will look for ways to share gratitude.
