1-5, #6

Today I am grateful for an afternoon nap yesterday. It was needed and involved no guilt. I am also grateful for my recovery connections via email. Reaching out to them helps me start my day centered and asking for God's support, not trying to do it all on my own.

You may be wondering about the title of today's post. Actually, it is a little framed sign that I have on both my desk at work and a place near our computer at home. It is to help remind me of my priorities.

1-5: Faith/recovery, family, friends, running, writing.  #6 My job.

There would have been a time I would have felt guilty even thinking that, much less putting it in writing and displaying it. I think too many in our nation are caught up in the job being too important, too driven to make more money to buy more stuff.  Who suffers? The faith life, family, and friends who miss out because that person doesn't have time. We sanction overworking and commend people who are willing to put in overtime for "the company."

I think we have it backwards. As I have learned to keep my priorities straight and give my main energy to my top 5, I believe I have become better at my job. I have energy remaining for it, I have less work stress, and I think that makes me more effective at what I do.

What are your priorities?  Are they getting your time and energy?
