Be Still, My Beating Heart

Living gratefully today, I embrace the fall weather and coolness, the transforming colors.

"Be still, my beating heart." is a phrase that goes back a few centuries, and has typically been used in the context of romantic love.  How about giving it a different spin, a new beat?

"Be still" starts with presence. Full attention in this moment. Pause with lovingkindness and notice what is. Experience it instead of missing it.  Even a few moments of this in my day can be surprisingly calming and clarifying.

"My beating heart."  My literal and figurative lifeblood flow from here. I remind myself that my heart, and my emotions, are the center of my existence in ways different from my brain. My brain may be the control center of my physical and thought lives, but without genuine emotion, what does it matter?

Be still. Pausing to feel, to fully experience, the beat of one's own heart, is a good way to start, or restart, a day.
