Rushing, Slouching, or Dancing?

Living gratefully today, I am taking in the sound and beauty of music through my headphones and appreciating my hearing capabilities.

One of my favorite authors, speakers, and advocates on the topic of living gratefully is Br. David Steindl-Rast. He founded A Network for Grateful Living in 2000. Check it out at

Here are some of his words:

"When I am grateful, I am neither rushing nor slouching through my day -- I'm dancing." 

Rushing? That I definitely do, both physically and mentally. But my living gratefully practices help me slow down, help keep me energized for what I have passion for and want to do. 

Slouching? I would say I am not a sloucher in the lazy, physically drooping ways. When it comes to emotionally and spiritually slouching though, I can and do. Again, practicing daily gratefulness and seeking some mindful presence each day give me clarity in feelings and faith. They keep me upright and moving forward.

Dancing?  I've never been much for dancing. In my younger days I usually needed the fortification of alcohol before I hit the dance floor. Then, I enjoyed the true freedom of dancing sober. Now, it is mostly a family wedding dance here and there that will have me showing my moves (or lack thereof).

I would like to think my heart, soul, and mind dance daily. Great Spirit as choreographer and gratefulness as energy. Some days the tune is joyful, other days more melancholy. Together they create a life rich in blessings.  

Slow down. Pull upright. Dance. 
