Whiskey Plates and a Vise Grip Message

Today I am grateful for a nice lunch with my friend Julie and fresh garden produce from my friend Judy. They are connections through my job and I appreciate them both.

On my way to work yesterday I was following a car with "whiskey plates." Minnesota law requires drivers with DWI-related offenses to have these plates on their vehicle, usually for a year. They got dubbed "whiskey plates" because they start with the letter "W." They are white plates with black letters and numbers, so they are easier to spot.

I am sure there are times I miss such plates on a vehicle I am following, but yesterday I first noticed the aggressive nature of the driver before I noticed the plates. Was there a connection? Maybe, maybe not.  But there was a connection to gratitude for me. I never got a DWI, though I could have. I could have killed someone else or myself, but I am here today. I was given another chance many times. I try not to take that for granted.

I still fear drunk drivers and watch for them on the roads, but I don't fear being one of them. I don't miss the mental anguish of blackouts and the physical discomfort of hangovers. I embrace recovery and make the efforts to keep embracing it with open mind and heart daily.

About the time the car with whiskey plates got lost in traffic, I noticed another interesting thing on the back of a vehicle. A work truck for our local power company had a vise grip attached near the rear of the truck. In that vise grip was a piece of cardboard with this written on it:  Nobody wants me!!!

It looked like this one, and brought back memories of the one attached to a work bench in the machine shed on our farm growing up.
Image result for images for vises
What was the story behind the sign?  A joke? A plea for help? Was someone bored with a little time on their hands?

It gave me a smile first, and then some perspective. What would my sign say?  "Today is a good day for recovery and living gratefully!" 
