35 Years Ago This Month

Today I am grateful for safe travels, veterinary care, phone conversations. And I am especially grateful for an enjoyable visit with old friends.

I really appreciated the opportunity to spend time with my friends Zoe and Deb this weekend, and the men in their lives. The occasion was Zoe’s daughter’s wedding. Congratulations and best wishes Brittany and Luke!

Here are the three of us Saturday, at a beautiful outdoor venue on a beautiful day:

Zoe, Deb, and I met 35 years ago this month, as freshmen at Waldorf College. We were softball teammates for two years, and roommates/neighbors on the same dorm floor our sophomore year. Waldorf was a junior college at the time, so we each went in different directions after those two years.

Those were pivotal years in my life and in my drinking. Deb and Zoe both were the kind of genuine friends who shared their genuine concerns about my excessive drinking. I am forever grateful to each of them.

There have been marriages, children, divorces, remarriages, stepchildren, grandchildren, different jobs, advanced educations, different houses and cities to call home. There have been weeks, months, sometimes years, between our visits. Yet, we stay in touch and our friendships endure the test of time.

Thirty-five years ago this month, we were 18-year-olds just meeting. Today, we are lifelong friends who make the effort to keep in touch. Our times together may be limited, but Saturday evening was most pleasant. My husband Darcy was unable to join us this time because of church commitments. I look forward to the six of us being able to get together next time. And that next time isn’t too far away.

The last 35 years have had heartache, but they have also had friendship to warm our hearts. What a treasure!
