Sponge as Toy and Metaphor

Today I am grateful for a smooth training run yesterday and for genuine laughter.

Our grandson Leo was over the other day while his mom got a few things done at home. Papa was still working, so Leo helped me clean up in the kitchen and get dinner started. I brought a chair over to the sink so he could stand on it while I washed a few things. He got interested in the sponge/scrubber I was using.

Pretty soon, he wanted to keep filling it with water and squeezing it out. He had some fun and tried a variety of techniques. It gave me a chance to get dinner started and also a chance to remember how interesting everything is to a three-year-old. It is unfortunate that we tend to grow out of that natural curiosity and wonder. We get jaded and busy.

Living gratefully, pausing and practicing gratitude intentionally each day, keeps the curiosity and wonder alive, regardless of age.

Sponges are such good metaphors for life as well. Our brains and hearts in particular. Human brains have an amazing capacity for information. Be careful what it is filled with, but don't hesitate to keep filling it with more applicable knowledge and memories. That is where the heart comes in too. A heart's ability to love-give it and receive it-is boundless. There is a catch though- only healthy, altruistic love is boundless. The other, unhealthy, selfish love is binding and limits us.

Do I want to be more absorbent of the good in the world and in my heart, or do I want to become less absorbent, more cynical?

I choose more absorbent, more open of heart and mind. Thanks again for another good life lesson Leo!
