A Colorful Assortment

Today I am grateful for a return to our son Sam's football action with a scrimmage yesterday. It's a sport I have always enjoyed watching. I am also grateful for my friend Betsy's movie recommendation for "Like Father." Darcy and I both enjoyed it. Thanks Betsy!

My efforts to keep the art of letter writing alive go in fits and starts. I have been on a good streak over the summer, sending out numerous cards and notes to several different people. I am reaching out to family members and friends, or others who did a kind deed worth acknowledging. It may be a note of support, a simple hello, a congratulations on a milestone. Or just a thank you, a sharing of gratitude.

Simple acts and short notes with profound impact on me as the writer. I hope the same for the recipient. Putting some good energy out into the universe means it is there for all of us. This action uplifts me emotionally and spiritually, even when I may have been feeling down, distracted, or challenged by life's heaviness at times.

I love writing, but today my composing is often on a computer keyboard. It is still writing, but different than what I consider the purest form--pen to paper. I will continue to put to paper in my journals and in notes like the ones below.

The colorful assortment of envelopes and stationery I used caught my eye and I snapped this picture in my car before I dropped them in the mail.

It brought to mind the many other colorful assortments in my life. Student and colleague personalities. Plant life changes in late summer. The paint on the walls of the various rooms in our home. The music that I enjoy listening to. The love that I cherish from the people I am blessed to have in my life.

It's a colorful scene, this life of mine. When I pause and take it all in.
