
Today I am grateful for a fresh haircut, a stylist I am comfortable with, and friendly greetings from others.

Birthday wishes today to my friend and fellow writer Jenny!

Thoughts, prayers, and good energy to my sister Mary Jo as she undergoes another round of chemo today.

The other day as I drove down a street in our neighborhood, a man out walking waved as I and others drove by. His gesture was not overly friendly in a fake way, just a "hello neighbor, it's a nice day" sort of way. Our world, local and global, could use more neighborliness.

That same day, I noticed the squirrels on our patio, a typical sighting. One was sort of saying a brazen "hi" and a “nanner-nanner, you can’t catch me" too. Pesky and they make a mess in our plants sometimes, but in general they provide me more entertainment than anything.

And in recent days there have been genuine "hellos!" as I greet co-workers I haven’t seen over the summer, or new colleagues I am just meeting. In my job setting, I am an avid greeter, acknowledging others up and down the halls. It makes a difference.

I can also say "hello" to the new day. Each one is a gift and worthy of my appreciation.

Finally, I can say a friendly and accepting"hello" to myself in the mirror. That didn't used to be the case.

Hello readers! Have a good day!
