Sixteen Already?

Today I am grateful for my son Sam and my husband Darcy and the team we are as we raise him together.

Today is Sam’s 16th birthday. I am left wondering how he could possibly be 16 already. He was around 4 in this picture:

I love our smiles on a summer day. There have been no buzz cuts in recent years. No trips to the local water park either. He surpassed his dad and I in height years ago now, and his facial hair can make him look older than he is.

His birthdays always bring mixed emotions for me, but overall joy that I get to experience motherhood and parenting. Bittersweet fits because the time goes so fast. Proud fits because he is a kind young man who makes good choices and has future direction and goals. He is his own person and I so appreciate that his sense of self is pretty solid.

It is the time in his life when we as parents have to do more stepping back and letting go. He takes his road test tomorrow to become a licensed driver. Talk about letting go. Part of me is ready and part of me is not.

Being a parent really teaches me so much, stretches me. And one of the best ways it stretches me is in the ways it allows me to love and care for another person, a very special person. My son Sam.

Happy 16th Sam! I love you.
