
Today I am grateful for the wisdom and support I get from others in recovery. I am also grateful for professional challenges that help me learn and grow.

The word syncopation has been milling around in my head since my Aunt Helen used it. She was playing the piano for a few of us and it was a real treat. She used this word which, if I had ever heard it before, I certainly didn't know what it meant.

Musically speaking, syncopation is unexpected rhythms which make some or all of a piece of music off-beat. It is stressing the weak beats instead of the strong beats. It seems like it would be more of a challenge to play, but lends itself to beautiful sounds nonetheless. I think that is what Helen was getting at.

In broader terms, syncopation can mean a disturbance or interruption of the regular flow of rhythm. In that sense, life is rife with syncopation at times. And it can throw us off a beat or a few. But it can also lead to new music we never knew we had in us.

I find that if I try to control life's rhythms, I have more disturbances and interruptions. On the other hand, when I go with the flow, even when the flow gets a little rough, I end up returning to calmer waters sooner.


  1. Lisa I really loved and could relate to yesterday's "thwarted" and today's "syncopation" themes of your blog posts. I felt like I have a comrad! Wonderful and thanks for your discipline in writing these posts which I look forward to reading .

    1. Thanks Diane! Nice to hear from you. To write about life's ups and downs makes the ride more smooth. To apply gratitude, even on a tough day, takes the sting out of the frustrations. Read on and I will write on :-)


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