From Thwarted to Thwarting

Today I am grateful for time to write and to be able to relax and watch a football game. (Go Vikings!)

Yesterday I felt thwarted in my attempts to have a peacefully productive morning. It was frustrating and made more frustrating by this lovely mind I have that starts spinning. Our computer was running slow when I needed it to be fast so I could get a few things done on it before turning my attention to cleaning the house.

I looked again for a writing my sister did that I wanted to share with a friend. Again, I couldn't find it. Our dog Oliver was underfoot and I almost tripped on him a couple of times. I was falling behind in my plan for the day and getting a wee bit resentful about it.

And yet my lovely mind kept finding more to add to my to-do list. It wasn't even 8:00 a.m. I was almost thwarted and robbed of the joy available.

Then I remembered that this lovely mind could be tempered. I went for a run on a beautiful late fall day and it calmed me and my mind.

The rest of the day was more about me thwarting flare-ups of harmful thinking. I was an effective thwarter and had a good rest of the day.

A tough start got reversed. The thwarted turned the tables and did some thwarting of her own.

Gratitude practice and seeking help from a power beyond myself were keys.

Do you need to do some thwarting of your own today?  Have a good day!
