In the Heat of the Heat

Today I am grateful for cool breezes, even brief ones. I am also grateful for my husband Darcy's sense of humor.

We, the proud residents of the upper Midwest, like to call ourselves hearty folks. We earn that because of the weather we endure. More accurately, I should say the climate extremes that tend to occur over the 4 seasons and 12 months of the year. 

We talk about the weather, discuss trends, and maybe do a teensy bit of complaining and commiserating.

The recent trend is high heat and humidity and that lovely measure known as the dew point. Such weather makes me wish for that first snow. 

In the heat of the heat yesterday we watched baseball, carried chairs and coolers, looked for parking spaces in the shade, walked, sweated and wiped our brows more than once.

Then in our exhausted state we were rudely awakened at 1:00 a.m. by severe weather. Luckily we missed the worst of it. 

Hearty as we are, we are grateful to start another day in the heat of the heat.
