Ideas Everywhere!!

Today I am grateful for clean air to breathe, more deals at the consignment store, and time with my friend Jill.

Ideas everywhere! That is how I feel at times regarding ideas for blog posts. I go through my day and one possibility after another comes up. This initially sounds like a good thing. And it certainly is in terms of being aware of what I can be grateful for on a typical day.

But there is a drawback to ideas everywhere. I can get caught up in an idea and how I might want to write about it in an upcoming post. I may start composing in my head, as often happens on a run. Or I may quickly jot down a couple phrases in the notebook I carry in my purse. In and of themselves, also not bad things.

Except, if I do this too much I seem to become overly consumed by ideas, all of which sound good and all of which start jumbling my mind. Everything gets noticed and becomes an idea, but mindful presence goes out the window. I am missing the present moment and what it has to offer.

This can and does happen to me in other ways, such as when I get caught up in stuff I need to do around the house. I keep adding to the list, going floor to floor and seeing more to do. My head starts spinning, I become a bit agitated because I think I will run out of time, and the last thing I am thinking about is the joy found in the present moment, the joy found in having a house to take care of.

There may be blog ideas everywhere, but this writer and student of habitual gratitude practice needs to pause and remember it is not about the ideas as much as it is about the gratefulness. Take the exclamation points off the ideas everywhere and put them on here on now.
