
Today I am grateful for the simple pleasure of a grilled cheese sandwich. I'm also grateful for my co-worker Germ.

Germ is a wonderful spiritual guide for me individually and for our school collectively. We work at a Catholic school but I appreciate that she draws her spiritual tools from many practices and many faiths. She is doing a Lenten series-focusing on a word a week. When I was able to attend last week, the word was grounding. Centeredness. Another way to be present, but more in the physical realm, connecting to earth.

I admit I have spent more time working on mindfulness, clearing my mind so I can be more present. Grounding and mindfulness are definitely related, but Germ helped me see that grounding is really where it all needs to start. She gave us some good practices to try.

Here's one that couldn't be easier, but I have already found effective. She referred to it as "calling your soul home." Simply say your full name, or any names you go by, outloud. I have used "Get out of the way Lisa" before, but that has a different feel and happens after I have gone down the road of overthinking. "Calling my soul home" can help prevent the overthinking.

Another easy practice--get close to the earth. Lay down in the grass or on the ground. Build a fire. Feel the dirt. Take a walk. (Of course, some of this will have to wait until the snow cover melts here.) Maybe this is one of the reasons I look so forward to spring. The earth and soil come to life. You can smell the dirt and new grass. But snow is part of the earth too, so I will appreciate today's fresh cover.

She gave us some other ideas too. Did I feel comfortable trying them all? No. Was I willing? Yes. And when I could feel a couple of them working, I started using them.

Sometimes I feel that as a society, within our fast-paced American culture, so many of us have gotten out of touch with ourselves, our souls, our surroundings, our earth. Grounding can help. Thanks for the ideas Germ!
