What Ifs . . .

Today I am grateful for raspberries, oranges, and bananas. I am grateful to all who made it possible for me to enjoy these fruits. 

Life is full of "what ifs." Especially in the middle of a global pandemic and as our nation nears a pivotal election. It doesn't really matter what is going on personally and in our communities, each day brings many "what ifs."

Within these unanswerable ponderings we can find perspective and gratefulness. We will also likely find a range of emotions. Let us remember that it is within this range of emotions, from deep sorrow to lighthearted joy, that our humanness most fully resides. 

Some of the what ifs rolling around in my head lately are:

*What if cancer hadn't taken my breasts, my sister's life, and so much more? 

*What if Sam's football season hadn't been impacted by COVID-19? 

*What if the pandemic hadn't happened?

*What if a long-time dream comes true?

There is one "what if" that I can answer though. What if I pause a few times today and notice, in that space and time, what I have to appreciate and for which I can give thanks? Then, I know my day will be richer, my pace more sane. 

What are some of your "what ifs"? 
