Returning to Stillness

Living gratefully today, I appreciate conversations with loved ones and my favorite sweatshirts. 

My word for the year--stillness--goes off the radar for awhile and then I get a reminder and am compelled to write about it. It is becoming more apparent to me just how many different ways stillness can be embodied. Quiet. Calm. Lack of movement or thoughts. Peaceful. The moment between. Nature. No wind.

The stillness I often find most helpful, but also most elusive, is the quiet that comes with a closed mouth and a halted train of thought. My trains of thought, when I get spun-up about something or someone, don't tend to be productive. They don't tend to lead me to healthy places. 

Be still Lisa. Be still and listen. Not to my own voice, but rather the voice of silence, the voice of Great Spirit. Simple, but not easy. Sometimes I need to tell myself to "shut up!" (edited version). 

Returning to stillness, I find clarity. Clarity for the next moments and actions. That is all I need. 
