Not the Forest, or the Trees; Just a Branch

Today I am grateful for the helpful snow shovels we have, and for continuing growth and clarity in my thoughts and actions.

Growth and clarity are pretty much the opposite of "can't see the forest for the trees." Getting stuck on the details and not seeing the big picture becomes counterproductive the longer it continues. Stuck. Complacent. Limited. Narrow-minded. Rote. Rigid.  Doesn't sound like much fun does it?

Stepping back and getting a wider perspective can help me get unstuck. Or at least see more clearly what the next right thing to do is. Maybe the trees I was so focused on click like puzzle pieces into the big picture. Or maybe there needs to be some controlled burning and a shift to a different part of the forest. Important work in life takes place in the trees. Am I lost today, or on an open path? 

As I write about controlled burns, I can't help but think of the wildfires burning in Colorado and elsewhere. The destruction and loss. Those working endless hours to fight the fires. The power of nature. Thoughts and prayers continue to go out to those most directly impacted by these uncontrolled burns. 

I was thinking about trees last night as I took in the beauty of an expected early snowfall. Here are a couple of pictures that bring in a variety of branches and trees in the evening light:

As I considered the awe in front of me and all around me, I returned to the simplicity of just one branch on one tree. The world, and life, are full of forests that are full of trees. Today, I can zero in on my little branch and contribute productively. A pause to look at the big picture from time to time will help me return to the task in front of me with more focus and faith. 
