An Invitation to Prayer

Today I am grateful for the enjoyable backyard fire Darcy and I had last evening, and for the phone calls and texts that keep us connected to our son Sam, in his first weeks of college life.

Mary Oliver is an amazing poet and one of my favorites. I continue to discover more of her words, including these: 

Praying. It doesn't have to be the blue iris. It could be the weeds in the vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don't try to make them elaborate, this isn't a contest but the doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak. 

(Word for the Day, from

What a beautiful and accessible invitation to prayer. And to gratefulness. Whatever you call the higher source you pray to, I think we can agree that that source is not looking for a perfect prayer or the longest list or the biggest need. That source isn't even waiting for you to reach out, but is already there.

The power in prayer is in the person doing the praying reaching out with open heart and mind. Letting go. Surrendering much and asking for help with the parts and the work that is ours.

Mary Oliver's words suggest to me that if something is getting in the way of helpful and faith-filled prayers, that something is pretty much always me. Pay attention. Bring the mess. Lay out the largest fears and biggest challenges. Then attention and listen.

Simple, but not easy. Just keep trying. Keep going and patching together genuine vulnerability. Keep listening with patience and acceptance. The voice will speak in a way you can hear.
