Ready to wrap it up . . . U-Z

Today I am grateful for warm blankets and familiar house sounds.

In my efforts to be less rigid in my approach to thinking and writing, I am ready to be done with this A-Z list. Not that I have run out of ideas, or that I have tired of this look at challenges, but I am acknowledging that there’s really no reason why I cannot or should not do what I am about to do...

I even checked with my editor (who I live with, and who is me) and she is okay if I wrap this up. There's just six letters left. Instead of six days, how about six minutes or so?

I forgive myself for not UNDERSTANDING so much about life.  One thing I unequivocally understand though is the role of WRITING in my life. It has saved me, found me, and now defines me.

Striving to let go of what is VEXATIOUS to my spirit and my energy, I give up what matters less so I can focus on what matters more.

WAITING for inspiration is easier when I am quiet and pay attention to my inhale and eXhale of breath. An open mind and heart draw forth genuine emotions like an X-RAY shows what is inside.

Instead of lamenting the loss of my YOUTH and some of these vexatious aspects of aging, I embrace the WISDOM that comes with age.

Life is a ZOO. Not the crazy, ZANY kind, the kind where there are plenty of amazing animals and other living things to observe.

I will pause and do just that today. Observe and take in life.
