Finding Less Fault, More Gratefulness

Today I am grateful for my feet and comfortable, safe shoes for them.

Here is part of my post from two years ago today, titled "Fault" as I was moving though an A-Z list.

Then there is the fault that has to do with placing blame, finger-pointing at the responsible party when a problem arises or something difficult happens. I have to hop up on my soapbox for a brief rant on this one.

I believe one of our society's biggest crutches right now is that it has become common to do so much finger-pointing and blaming of others that we render ourselves helpless at times. If it is always someone else's fault, action isn't required on my part. I am the victim. Someone else screwed up. They need to fix it.

If that is your expectation, you stay stuck, the problem stays a problem, your energy is wasted, and you develop tunnel vision. And when I say you, I mean me too. We all end up here from time to time.

My goal is to not stay there for long. That is not a fun place to exist. There isn't much positive contribution going on. The tunnel darkens and narrows.

The sooner I return to pausing, seeing what I have to be grateful for, and moving to a solution focus, the sooner I stop contaminating and start contributing. Even in difficult times, when I look for gratitude I can find it.

Instead of laying fault on myself or others and weighing us all down, I consider what I need to do and proceed. That is my goal. Gratitude practice makes it more plausible and possible.

Plenty of good reminders for me in these words as I head into my day. I hope to contribute and not contaminate.  I choose to point to gratitude, not blame.
