Caring Less

Today I am grateful for progress, prayers, peanut butter, and memories of ping-pong.

That is sure a random gratitude list to start, but that's the beauty of practicing gratitude. Whatever comes in the flow was meant to come.

Some of the progress I have made recently is caring less. Caring less in healthy ways. I often have plenty going on in my head, heart, and to-do list. Too much. And I hold myself to an unreasonable standard. You need to do this. And this. And this.

Next thing I know, EVERYTHING seems important, and also impossible. My general approach used to involve a lot of unhealthy thinking and berating of myself. Plenty of frustration and not a whole lot of progress on anything other than digging a deeper hole and feeling exhausted.

Caring less is a beautiful thing when applied in healthy ways. I can't do it all or be all. What matters most to me? Who matters most to me? Where are my wrong-sized ego and irrational fears getting in the way? These are key questions to ask myself to help determine where my attention and energy should go.

Caring less about things that are energy-suckers is freeing. It liberates times, mind, heart. Little things add up. And it doesn't mean that I do a shoddy job or become totally insensitive, it is more about putting the right amount of time and energy into something and then knowing it is enough.

The things I love and have passion for may take energy, but they also give it back. Caring less, in healthy fashion, is an exercise in energy conservation. At this stage in my life, I need that.
