Podiatry Needed

Today I am grateful for the spiritual guides I have had and continue to have in my life. I am also grateful for the music of Simon and Garfunkel. Several of their songs are some of my overall favorites.

Back to my A-Z list of challenges and catalysts and the letter "p." PODIATRY. Podiatry is the medical care and treatment of the human foot. Taking care of our feet is an important endeavor.  Consider the amazing job they do, hauling us around all over the place. Walking, running, dancing, snowshoeing, skating, taking the stairs. . . the list is endless.

My feet aren't the prettiest, but I sure do consider them an essential part of my body and I work to take good care of them. A bunion on my right foot has taken me to the podiatrist a few times.  It wears holes in my running shoes after enough miles, and causes some discomfort, but it isn't chronic pain.

Hoping to slow the progression of it, I use a spacer and tape, a night-time brace, wear shoes in the house, and try to have shoes with wide toe bases. They all help. I also hope to avoid surgery and so far, so good. Nothing personal, but I hope to not see my podiatrist again anytime soon.

Because my feet carry me on the many walks and runs I take, because they take me out in nature and the changing seasons, because they make it easy for me to get from one place to another, I say a heartfelt thank you to them. I guess you could say I am thanking them from head to toe.

In recent days, thanks to winter weather, we have had to be more careful on our feet outdoors. In icy and uncertain conditions, "walk like a penguin" is sound advice to help prevent a fall to the ground.

I often take my feet for granted. Today I will take some mindful pauses to notice and honor them,  giving them my appreciation.
