
Today I am grateful for laughter, a clean house, and a cheap car wash.

Our vehicles were all pretty dirty after several rounds of snow, up and down temperatures, and road spray. It got to where I just needed to get some of the grime off my car and feel like my windows were at least providing me full visibility.

So for the cost of one automatic car wash, I took each of our three vehicles to the old-fashioned do-it-yourself wash. No sense spending too much, because it won't last long anyway. Besides, I enjoyed the chance to do this for the family vehicles as my way of pitching in yesterday morning.

By the afternoon, I took time for another run outside. I appreciated a honk and a wave from my son Sam as he drove by me when I was out running. It's nice to be acknowledged by a newly-licensed driver.

I had a full and busy day for other reasons yesterday too, but went to bed early and slept pretty well.
I got some rest. My friend Betsy has been focusing on the word REST, and we talked about it a little yesterday. It's a good word and one that is a fitting focus for me as well.

Some days, the demands of family life and work life can make it hard to find time to rest. Short pauses can help. So can shortening the to-do list, which isn't one of my strong suits. I am better at continuing to add things. It starts with awareness, and gets better with acceptance.

Awareness that I have been pushing myself and if I don't slow down I will end up overly tired (a.k.a. crabby, short-tempered, and not much fun to be around). Acceptance that it won't all get done today and that is okay. Tomorrow is a new day. Taking a break or being done for the day is actually good self-care Lisa. I know that, I just don't practice it so well.

Here we are at Monday morning of another full week. Stuff needs to get done. Still, I can keep the word REST in the forefront of my mind and like the many things I think must get done, I can make sure the REST happens too.

Thank you for a good reminder Betsy--to pause, slow down, cut myself some slack, rejuvenate.
