Treasure Hunting Made Easy

Today I am grateful for conversation with my husband Darcy yesterday, sitting on our back patio enjoying a fire in our fire pit. I am also grateful for time with fellow recovering people over the last couple of days.

Yesterday I was listening to a conversation about treasure hunting, referring to some newly acquired property and some of the antique finds that had already been discovered there. Treasure hunting in old farm dumps. I can relate.

I can also relate to the idea of living gratefully as a version of treasure hunting. Treasure hunting made easy. Or at least easier.

Our brains get trained to look for what we tell it to look for. "We" being our mental and emotional selves, both strong influences on the rest of us. I have been in training for over 20 years, training to live gratefully, to look for what I already have. To notice, pay attention, pause.

Living gratefully can indeed make treasure hunting easy. Easy is a relative term though. Easy doesn't mean effortless. Easy doesn't mean it just happens. Daily work for daily gratitude. Treasures await.
