Brake Lights

Today I am grateful for a good speaker to remind us of the vital roles of failure and confusion in learning life lessons. I am also grateful for the range of emotions I give myself permission to feel.

Working my way from the headlights to the interior lights of vehicles, and of my human self, it became obvious that brake lights would be next on this little writing trip. Who knew our vehicles carried so much wisdom?

Brake lights help keep me safe in my car as I travel with hundreds of other vehicles on the freeways of our metropolitan area. They warn me to slow down and determine the cause of the brake lights. It could be to go around emergency vehicles on the shoulder of the road, or a minor back up at a busy time of the day.

If the brake lights stretch in front of me for quite a ways, I know it is more significant and if able I could exit and try a different route. If a detour isn't possible, I come to some level of acceptance. It is what it is. Stuck in traffic is stuck in traffic. Just breathe and go with it. I'll get there when I get there.

Then there are the brake lights of my mind. The ones that help me maintain some level of sanity and reasonableness. I sometimes miss the cues that are more subtle than a car's bright brake lights flashing on in front of me.

But eventually I arrive at "slow down Lisa."  There could be a crash of expectations and lack of time ahead. There could be a spin out of too much fear and worry being applied instead of the brakes of acceptance and prayer.

Brake lights keep us safe on the roads and in our own minds. Apply as needed. Sooner rather than later to avoid a crash of metal or emotions.
