On Again, Off Again

Today I am grateful for the daily challenge and charge of staying present and living gratefully. Practice makes progress possible.

I am also grateful for coffee to pour and share with my husband Darcy. Life's simple pleasures and most meaningful relationships together.

On again, off again sums up today's thoughts on light and dark. On again, off again can be troublesome and frustrating when it comes to things like relationships, rain at softball games, and Wi-Fi or internet connections

However, it is pretty much the flow of things when it comes to nature's light and dark. On again, off again. Day, night. Summer, winter. Birth, death.

When it comes to our own human light and dark, we control the on/off switch only some. Life will bring us much that we don't ask for or expect or wish to happen. Some of those are destined to become our greatest gifts while others become our most tremendous challenges.

Yet, some of the light and dark in our lives is within our control, our choice. It takes discipline and practice, but living gratefully, living a life of recovery, seeking faith daily all help my light shine far more than it would if I took up permanent residence in ingratitude, active alcoholism, and oversized ego.

My light shines on again, off again. Ours all do. When I take right actions, I have right thoughts, and I avoid more of the darkness in my mind and heart. When life's curve balls come along, I am then more able to make it through. I am able to have just enough light even at the darkest times, to see my way, to be guided.

It is the best I can hope for. All I know is that when I stay grounded in living gratefully, in having hope for the day ahead, despite my flaws and frustrations, I do better. The light wins over the dark.

I will be taking a blog break for a few days. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!
