For Granted or for Gratitude

Today I am grateful for songs that make me think and feel. I am also grateful for all of the things I often take for granted on any given day.

We pretty much all do it. Take things for granted. Take people in our lives for granted. It is part of our human condition. We tend to get used to what we have and want more or different. Living gratefully challenges this part of our nature. And it is a good challenge.

Living gratefully on a daily basis changes the way we perceive ourselves, those close to us, the world around us. Therein lies the profound power in living gratefully. We are surprised more often, humbled in a grace-filled way more often. It tends to leave us more satisfied and more likely to care for and respect what we have.

It doesn't take long at all to create a list of some things I take for granted most days:

-access to clean and temperature-controlled water
-food to eat
-legs and arms that work
-my five senses
-cars in the garage and money for gas

I try not to take the people in my life for granted either. It happens of course, and I not only take them for granted, I will also be annoyed and irritated with them at times. Living gratefully helps me see the gifts they bring to me, and helps diminish the petty or controlling frustrations I may have with them.

As Brother David Steindl-Rast says in this video titled "A Grateful Day": "Begin by opening your eyes and be surprised that you have eyes you can open."

Open your eyes to that which may be taken for granted. Apply gratitude. Live gratefully today.
