"It Is What It Is"

Today I am grateful for Oliver and the way he stretches before we head out for our morning walk. I am grateful for the reminder to stay loose and limber-literally and figuratively- and not take myself or life too seriously.

The saying below also allows me to stay loose and limber in my attitude. This is a simply-framed saying that I gave my husband Darcy several years ago when job stuff was weighing on him. (He says it was late 2005, and we'll go with that because his memory is much better than mine.) I don't know where I first heard this or what it's origin is, but to me it means acceptance-I can't change this, but I can accept and move on. I don't take it to mean resignation, giving up, or feeling hopeless. I think of it more as allowing myself to let go of what I can't change before it drives me crazy. I think that is how Darcy sees it too.

If you can't see them, the top and bottom borders are alternating smiles and frowns. Seemed fitting.

When Darcy changed jobs, he left this little saying with a co-worker, who also appreciated the sentiment. As it turned out, they ended up working together again a couple years later and she returned it to him. It now sits on his desk in his office. This little plastic frame-with enclosed words of wisdom-has been around and put some miles on. Darcy and I still use it, particularly when we are talking about work-related stuff, but it applies to all areas of life.
It reminds me of another saying. This is one I heard over twenty years ago from my recovery friend Jim. He liked to say "You can't saw sawdust." Amen to that!
What does this have to do with gratitude? A lot. Some days are diamonds. Some are stones. Even when a person practices habitual gratitude. These few words help me keep things in perspective.
Does "It is what it is." carry meaning or motivation for you? Do you have a different saying that works for you? I would love to hear it.
