Birthday Wishes for a Special Man

Today I am grateful for my husband Darcy; his health, his steadfastness, his humor, his presence in my life and the lives of many others. I am grateful for this special man on this special day-his 48th birthday. Happy birthday Darcy!

Darcy has many roles in his life; spouse, father, son, brother, friend, companion, running partner, and provider are key ones that come to mind. I am sitting at our kitchen table composing this post as he sits across from me getting some of our bills paid. He pays the bills, I do more of the laundry. We'll head out for a run together a little later this morning. (In spite of the snow on the ground. Darcy cannot recall another one of his birthdays where there was snow on the ground.) We have a solid partnership and a strong marriage and I don't want to take him or our lives together for granted.

Now, don't go thinking life and marriage is always peachy for the two of us. We have differing opinions and approaches to many things. We argue. Life throws us curve balls. But fundamentally we have the same priorities, and that is so important.

We have some things planned for the day and we have some gifts to share later. But Darcy would tell you, and I agree, the best gift on any birthday is time with loved ones. (Though a good dessert is sure nice too.)

Too often we take those nearest and dearest to us for granted. They are always there for us. Until something happens and they aren't or can't be. Take the opportunity today to thank someone who makes a difference in your life.

Back to my look at 99 Blessings tomorrow.
