Just a Random Day

Today I am grateful for a relaxing evening at home last night and for the way the sunshine comes in our front windows this time of the day.

Yesterday was a day of random happenings and laughter and flukes. In other words, it was a good day. The trouble behind my eyes flared up a little bit . . . at work once, and on my drive home too.But the flare up was short and I turned off the mind-fullness and replaced it with mindfulness.

Here are some of those random happenings:

*I was reminded that one of my best blog followers lives with me. My husband Darcy complimented me on a recent post and printed it out to remind himself of the message.
*I saw tears from two different people for two different reasons. Nothing serious. Just raw human emotion. It was kind of refreshing.
*My stepdaughter Emily had a true "blonde moment" involving her car and the parking brake. We'll just leave it at that. But I got a good laugh just when I needed one.
*Sporadic power outages at my school yesterday morning threw us off for about an hour, and reminded me how dependent we are on electricity and technology. Talk about sporadic. Some classrooms had half of the lights working and half not. I had power to my computer and a lamp I have, but no overhead lights. Those who hoped for an early out were disappointed, but I ended up grateful the day went on as planned because much got done.
*Two of my sisters sent emails that were both witty and of a serious nature. I would say my family is pretty good at pulling off that combination.
*Sam faced a technical difficulty of his own making and weathered it well, relatively speaking.
*We watched the movie "Hoosiers" which is over 25 years old but is a great movie in my opinion.It says a lot about redemption, among other things.

It was an interesting day with these odd little circumstances, but in the end, it was a good day.Gratitude helps me see the good in days, even when the day isn't all good.
