A Four Seasons 4 x 4

Today I am grateful for nature and the beauty and awe it provides on a regular basis. I am grateful for the ever-changing natural world, and my realization of the very small part I am in the larger scheme.

To say I am grateful for the local weather today would be a bit of a stretch however. We have fresh snow blowing around and wind chills that are below zero. Doesn't spring arrive this week? I love living where the seasons change, but it does get to be a challenge when the change comes slower than you had hoped for. I spent the first 33 years of my life in Iowa, the next two in South Dakota, and we've been in Minnesota since 2000. This is all I've known . . . from stifling humidity to frigid temperatures.

So it strikes me that today would be a good day to do a 4 x 4 about our wonderful four seasons.

a. the beauty of fresh snow
b. heat that works
c. no bugs
d. comfy sweathsirts to wear

a. rebirth and renewal
b. new green grass coming up
c. birds singing
d. the first day it's warm enough to wear shorts

a. the ease of taking Oliver out
b. slip ons and sandals
c. sitting on the patio
d. a cool breeze after a hot day

a. a break just when I get tired of the heat
b. the first cold morning and the way the air smells
c. the stunning fall colors
d. jeans and sweathshirts come back out

If you are new to my blog, 4 x 4 (or any other variation you choose) is a gratitude practice I would encourage you to try. I picked four things and then said four things I was grateful for about each. I ended up with more than sixteen reasons to be thankful. It is an easy way to give focus to gratitude and clearly shows the synergy that can be created when we apply an appreciative attitude to life.

This talk of the changing seasons does bring to mind a couple of Minnesota jokes I might as well pass along:

"There are two seasons in Minnesota: winter and road construction."
"Minnesota state bird = mosquito."

Wherever you are today, appreciate what nature is dishing out.
