"Help, Thanks, Wow"

Today I am grateful for our house and the good feeling that comes after cleaning it. I am also grateful for time to put pen to paper.

If you are a fan of Anne Lamott like I am a fan of hers, the title of my post today may sound familiar.It is the title of her most recent book Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. I wrote a couple of posts back in August regarding Anne Lamott. Check them out below:

Favorite Author: Anne Lamott       and         Nitty Gritty Spirituality-Anne Lamott Style

The more I read about the idea of prayer, the more I realize that the key seems to be found in the simplicity of it. And that there are as many ways to pray as there are people. 

In the first pages of her latest book, Lamott says:

"Prayer is private, even when we pray with others. It is communication from the heart to that which surpasses understanding." (p. 1)

"Let's not get bogged down on whom or what we pray to. Let's just say prayer is communication from our heart to the great mystery, or Goodness, or Howard; to the animating energy of love we are sometimes bold enough to believe in; to something unimaginably big, and not us." (pp. 2-3)

Growing up in a strong Catholic home, I don't think I realized that prayer was private. We prayed together before meals. We went to church and prayed with others. I wasn't inclined or encouraged to pray on my own, at least not that I recall. I saw it as a group thing. I was taught several prayers that I was expected to know by heart. But I missed the true meaning of "know by heart."

The absolute key to prayer for me now is captured in the last words of the second quote above - "and not us." Prayer is effective for me when it stretches me beyond my own mind, heart, and soul, when I am reminded that seeking help is the ultimate reason to pray. It could be help in small ways, or big ways, but it is help I know I need and cannot provide myself.  Help. That's simple.

And my daily prayers always include prayers for others. I pray for people with cancer, people in recovery, people who just had surgery, or just lost a loved one. Praying for others helps me. It gets me out of myself and it also brings the gratitude back around.

More tomorrow on how I put myself in position to seek help. Prayer and gratitude create a great partnership. Both are enhanced.

Have a nice day!
