Living gratefully today, I appreciate sweet cherries and our dog Oliver.

Today's blog post is #2200. I never would have guessed I would be at this over seven years already. I am frequently inspired with post ideas from what I hear and read as I move through my days. Or just daily life happenings, and little things noted and noticed. At other times, the inspiration is profound and beyond the ordinary stuff of life.

I celebrate #2200 with a list of 22 things that have been learned and reinforced from
blogging hundreds of posts:

1. "Real writers really write." I am a real writer. I no longer hold back on describing myself as one.
2. When the words flow and I am clicking on all cylinders, it is an awesome feeling.
3. This flow doesn't happen every day, but it happens regularly enough that I believe in it.
4. The discipline of regular morning writing frees me for other pursuits in my day, writing and other.
5. Whether someone else reads a post or not, it has mattered.
6. There are regular readers of my blog out there. This flatters me.
7. It also humbles me and motivates me as well.
8. Gratitude is always possible. Practicing gratitude doesn’t shield me from
          challenges and trials, but it does help me keep moving forward.
9. Living gratefully has more meaning to me than the word gratitude.
10 . Gratitude shared is gratitude multiplied, and it is a two-way street.
11. Living gratefully not only opens my heart, it opens my ears and eyes.
12. Gratitude practice creates good energy.
13. I exude that energy more than I used to...especially to my inner self.
14. Some days, or hours, will still suck, but attempts at gratefulness are never futile.
15. When an idea comes to mind, write it down somewhere before it quickly flits away.
16. I haven’t run out of post ideas yet, and don’t suspect that I will.
17. "What we practice grows stronger."
18. If I practice self-pity and negative thoughts, they grow stronger.
            If I practice gratefulness and mindfulness, they grow stronger.
19. All any of us have is today. And today is enough.
20. Gratitude practice helps me build a better perception of my life and my surroundings.
21. The Universe has an endless supply of gratefulness. It is always being generated.
22. Writing continues to be transformative and cathartic for me.

This blog started on a leap of faith. It continues with regular leaps of faith every time I compose and publish. Thank you for reading and inspiring!


  1. Congratulations on Post #2200, Lisa! I have been a daily reader for maybe 4 months or so. You are one of my favorite aspects of my daily gratitude practice that begins at gratefulness.org. I am grateful and appreciate you and your posts!


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