
Today I am grateful for pizza and for this gratitude practice.

I am taking a few minutes to sit on our front patio again this morning, enjoying a cup of coffee with my husband, and reveling in the cool morning air, the sound of our fountain, and the beauty of the coming sunrise.

Just sitting. My brain is already racing, and exhausted. But the sitting is helping me regroup. My body is tired, though ready to go after a few exercises and a walk with Oliver. The sitting is telling my body I want to take care of it today.

Just sitting. Preparing for the day ahead which will undoubtedly bring things to add to my gratitude list, and also things to challenge me.

Either way, I will be better able to handle what comes my way because I took the time to sit.

I will be taking a blog break for a couple days. Have a good day and a nice weekend! Take some time to just sit.
