An Unanswered Question

Today I am grateful for peanut butter on toast and for the weekend.

"Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe 
in the dignity and importance of that question."
(Tennessee Williams)

The unknowns in life are what help make it precious and fragile, to be honored and cared for. If we knew what was coming, we would either run from it or not appreciate it fully, or a combination of both.

Instead, I try to get up each day with some sense of wonder that I am here and alive, that I get to go exploring for more answers today. Answers to where peace is found. Answers to what my priorities are and where my time should be spent. Answers to how deeply love, faith, and gratitude can be felt.

We each have our own set of questions and pursuits. Hopes and dreams. We each deserve to have our lives, our selves treated as important and with dignity. That starts with how we treat ourselves. Then it turns to the people we choose to spend our time with and give our energy to. Healthy choices for ourselves tend to lead to healthier relationships with those around us.

And it continues further with how we treat anyone we encounter in our day, from co-workers to other customers at the store to other drivers on the road. With importance and dignity means we are leaving  a positive mark, contributing rather than contaminating. It's a good start.

If life is an unanswered question, joy is found in pursuit of answers, but also new questions.
Happy pursuing!
