Write On!

Today I am grateful for the beautiful fall colors we are enjoying recently.

I am also grateful for the power of writing in my life. I know I repeat myself at times on this topic, but it is worth repeating. Writing poetry saved me as a young woman in the midst of my alcoholism. Writing in my gratitude journal saves me today when I get in a funk and slip into some self-pity.

And writing inspires me to reach out to others to discuss what is important to us, to share what we feel passionately about. I have about three different essays/writing projects I am working on right now. Last night as I worked on revising an essay, I got into the writing zone. I love it when that happens. I got caught up in the editing and revising. I could see what needed to be cut, where things needed to be tightened. The right words came. I had fun and I believe the essay is stronger as I re-read it this morning. I get fired up when that sort of things happens. It reminds me why I am a writer.

Below is a poem I wrote Friday morning, after being in a funk for a few days. The funk wasn't about any one thing in particular, just life in general. For me, that boils down to expecting too much and accepting too little.

Here's that poem:

Throwing Up

I caught the bug
Of ego inflation
It brought a
Soul sickness
And a spiritual

I felt like
Throwing up

So I did

I threw up
My hands
And surrendered
My will

That is the cathartic nature of writing for me. What kind of writing helps you the most? What kinds are you willing to try?  
