Changing Landscape

Today I am grateful for the growth that can come through pain and difficult emotions. It is gratitude that helps bring me through such times and allows me to see the growth.

I am also grateful for the new perspective that changes bring.

While we were out of town for our marathon, the landscape of our rivertown saw a significant change. The massive mainspan of the new bridge being constructed was lifted in place. Now the 60-year-old bridge is side-by-side with the new one, slated to last 100 years. Out with the old, in with the new. It will be a long process yet, but plenty of work has already been done.

I have been fascinated by the spectacle of construction. But it certainly reminds me of the necessary patience it takes. This project has been underway for a couple years already and has at least a year to go yet. Sturdy structures built to last take time to put together. That sounds like what it takes for strong marriages, friendships, and parenthood too doesn't it? In ways, we are always under construction. The key is using the right tools, materials, and attitude.

That brings me back to one of the best on-going benefits of gratitude. It teaches me patience and it teaches me to slow down and enjoy the process of life. It teaches me hard work always pays off, just not always on my timeline. Gratitude slows down my world because I'm not consumed by chasing the next great thing, rather I am appreciating the great gifts I already have in my life.

Slow down and have a good day! 
